<aside> 💡 This page is shared publicly so all of our contributors have access to the Gruntwork Github Labels. Please ensure any edits and comments are clearly explained for our wider audience to properly understand.


We should standardize our GitHub labels so all repos label things the same way. This will be especially useful as contractors ramp up on our repos to do maintenance work. We can update the defaults org-wide for new repos, but for existing repos, we'll have to add these manually.

Initial proposal:

Issue type

Specify what type of issue this is; this should be clear to Grunts and outsiders alike.

  1. enhancement: new feature to add.
  2. bug: something is broken with an existing feature.
  3. awaiting response: waiting for a response or more data from issue reporter. Use this for stale issues and PRs where the contributor disappeared. See: https://github.com/gruntwork-io/team-product/pull/96
  4. needs design: we need to flesh out the design before we can resolve the issue.
  5. good first issue: all issues welcome PRs but these are typically simple issues that are especially good for first time contributors.
  6. trial project: issues that are suitable for trial projects. These are typically small features that can be implemented in about a day.
  7. maintainer only: we need a Grunt to take the lead on this issue.
  8. (question): Any question should be moved to GitHub Discussions (as soon as we launch it) and NOT be a label in GitHub issues.

Issue priority (internal)

Specify the priority that we internally treat this with. Folks outside Gruntwork probably shouldn't know what these mean.